
Lebenzon, J.E. and Toxopeus, J. (2024) Knock down to level up: Reframing RNAi for invertebrate ecophysiology. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A (in press).

Treidel, L. A., Deem, K. D., Salcedo, M. K., Dickinson, M. H., Bruce, H. S., Darveau, C. A., Dickerson, B.H., Ellers, O., Glass, J.R., Gordon, C.M., Harrison, J.F., Hedrick, T.L., Johnson, M.G., Lebenzon, J.E., Marden, J.H., Niitepold, K., Sane, S.P., Sponberg, S., Talal, S., Williams, C.M., Wold, E.S. (2024) Insect Flight: State of the Field and Future Directions. Integrative And Comparative Biology, icae106.

Diaz, T., Treidel, L.A., Menze, M.A., Williams, C.M., Lebenzon, J.E. (2024) Beclin-mediated autophagy drives dorsal longitudinal flight muscle histolysis in the variable field cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps. Integrative And Comparative Biology, icae042.

Lebenzon, J.E., Overgaard, J., Bjerregaard-Jørgensen, L. (2023) Chilled, starved or frozen: insect mitochondrial adaptations to overcome the cold. Current opinion in Insect Science 58: 101076.

Lebenzon, J.E., Denezis, P.W., Mohammad, L., Turnbull, K.F., Mathers, K.E., Staples J.F. and Sinclair, B.J. (2022) Reversible mitophagy drives metabolic suppression in diapausing beetles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 119:  e2201089119.

Lebenzon, J.E., Torson, A., and Sinclair, B.J. (2021) Diapause differentially modulates the transcriptomes of fat body and flight muscle in the Colorado potato beetle. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D, 40: 100906.

Lebenzon, J.E., Toxopeus, J., Anthony, S.E and Sinclair, B.J. (2020) De novo assembly and characterisation of the Beringian pseudoscorpion transcriptome, Canadian Entomologist, 153: 301-313.

Lebenzon, J.E., Des Marteaux, L.E. and Sinclair, B.J. (2020) Reversing sodium differentials between the hemolymph and hindgut speeds chill coma recovery, but reduces survival in the fall field cricket, Gryllus pennsylvanicus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, 244: 110699.

Karsten, M., Lebenzon, J.E., Sinclair, B.J. and Terblanche, J.S. (2018) Does loss of ion homeostasis explain chill coma and impaired dispersal ability in false codling moth Thaumatotobia leucotreta (Lepidoptera: Totricidaea)? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, 229: 40-44.

Ferguson, L.V., Dhakal, P., Lebenzon, J.E., Heinrichs, D.E., Bucking, C. and Sinclair, B.J. (2018) Seasonal shifts in the insect gut microbiome are concurrent with changes in cold tolerance and immunity. Functional Ecology, 32: 2357-2368.

Toxopeus, J., Lebenzon, J.E., McKinnon, A.H. and Sinclair, B.J. (2016) Freeze tolerance of Cyphoderris monstrosa (Orthoptera: Prophalangopsidae). Canadian Entomologist, 148: 668–672.